As many people have heard, a breakout of a type of influenza by the name of Swine influenza has been traveling around part of the United States, Mexico, and parts of Europe. Not only is the swine flu very popular and growing in Mexico, but it is heavily spreading around in the United States. There are currently nineteen states that are either expected to have the flu or are for sure at least one person has it in the state. The most effected state is New York with 50 confirmed cases. There have been an incredible number of 68 deaths in Mexico already and over one thousand people infected. The swine influenza was raised to a level 5 pandemic on April 29, 2009.
Swine flu is usually diagnosed only in pigs or people in regular contact with them. The majority of the cases are occurring in people from age 25-44. I think that this is something that people need to take in and realize what kind of damage it can do for our country. Yeah, sure, the news cast does exaggerate a lot of stories in order to make money, but these kinds of pandemics could tear up the entire United States, just as the "black death" did in the late 19th century during 1347 and 1351. It is considered one of the deadliest pandemics in American history. It was spread around all of Europe by fleas and with the help of the black rat.
If anything, there is one thing to look forward to during this whole time of sickness; if one gets sick, they cancel school! I know we are all looking forward to that, hoping not to be the one that gets sick. You would think that more people in Iowa would be retracting the flu because we are all farmland and own so many cattle. There has not yet been one person with the flu in Iowa. I think that one of the reasons that the news overstresses the pandemic is to scare Americans into being more careful and sanitary than they have to be in order to stop the spread of the flu.
The last time that America has seen any traces of this flu was in 1976 when David Lewis of Ashley Falls, Massachusetts had been killed during his army training. After he caught it, 500 after him retracted the flu and died. Before that there was a massive killing of the swine flu in 1918 that killed 500,000 Americans and two million people world-wide.
There are some very simple ways of avoiding the swine flu. Since influenza spreads between humans by sneezing or coughing or people touching something with the virus on it and then putting into contact with their own mouth or nose, the easiest way to avoid it is to wear a face mask around pigs or other people with the flu and/or just simply don’t be around them. Scientists and researchers have not yet found a cure for this pandemic, but they are very close to one, possibly finding one within the next week. BE CAREFUL, please.
Swine flu is usually diagnosed only in pigs or people in regular contact with them. The majority of the cases are occurring in people from age 25-44. I think that this is something that people need to take in and realize what kind of damage it can do for our country. Yeah, sure, the news cast does exaggerate a lot of stories in order to make money, but these kinds of pandemics could tear up the entire United States, just as the "black death" did in the late 19th century during 1347 and 1351. It is considered one of the deadliest pandemics in American history. It was spread around all of Europe by fleas and with the help of the black rat.
If anything, there is one thing to look forward to during this whole time of sickness; if one gets sick, they cancel school! I know we are all looking forward to that, hoping not to be the one that gets sick. You would think that more people in Iowa would be retracting the flu because we are all farmland and own so many cattle. There has not yet been one person with the flu in Iowa. I think that one of the reasons that the news overstresses the pandemic is to scare Americans into being more careful and sanitary than they have to be in order to stop the spread of the flu.
The last time that America has seen any traces of this flu was in 1976 when David Lewis of Ashley Falls, Massachusetts had been killed during his army training. After he caught it, 500 after him retracted the flu and died. Before that there was a massive killing of the swine flu in 1918 that killed 500,000 Americans and two million people world-wide.
There are some very simple ways of avoiding the swine flu. Since influenza spreads between humans by sneezing or coughing or people touching something with the virus on it and then putting into contact with their own mouth or nose, the easiest way to avoid it is to wear a face mask around pigs or other people with the flu and/or just simply don’t be around them. Scientists and researchers have not yet found a cure for this pandemic, but they are very close to one, possibly finding one within the next week. BE CAREFUL, please.
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