Do you ever have those days where everything seems to be going on all at the same time? I have that problem daily. Currently, I am juggling three sports: wrestling cheerleading, show choir, and bowling. For some strange reason, they always schedule practices and games on the same night, so am often finding myself skipping practices to attend another one. Tomorrow, I have a mandatory choir practice from 3 until 6, cheerleading starting at 3:45 until 6:15, and show choir from 6:30 until 9. That would be the story of my life; always crammed with activities. Being a typical teenager comes with the life-outside-school. I have the tendency to argue with my mom and brother, which is where most of my stress comes from. Getting homework done is one of my LEAST favorite things to do. I always find myself procrastinating, putting everything off until the last minute or night before its due. When competition season arrives for show choir (about 2 weeks), I am going to find it extremely difficult to finish my homework. The assignments that get me the most are big projects like posters and presentations. Most times when I get those type of big assignments there’s more than one I have to, for multiple classes. When discussing cheerleading this year, well, its kind of a train wreck. We currently have 2 members on the wrestling cheer squad, Michaela Caldbeck and me. That is putting stress on us because if one of us is ill, there is no hope of any cheerleaders attending the meet because no girl is going to want to cheer by herself. When I am stressed, the method I use to calm me down is just by relaxing and having a hot cup of tea. This assures comfort and helps take cares away, even though it sounds really cheesy. Another thing I do to help calm me down is reading. It takes my mind off of everything.
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