While I was reading through some of the most recent news stories and I came across one about Iowa farmers neglecting their cattle and animals. I couldn't bear to read about this story because my love for animals is so great and I can't understand how or why someone could do that to their own animals. The Plymouth County sheriff's office cased two charges of failing to dispose of a dead and rotting animal, plus four charges of failing to vaccinate the terriers and coonhounds that they owned. By this, I think that other farmers should pay attention to this incident and learn from it because animals shouldn’t be treated in such a way.
I always watch the show ‘Animal Cops’ and learn that the main reason that animals are severly abused is due to lost income or unemployment of the owners. They don't care enough to treat them the way they should be treated, but in the long run cattle may as well be the best thing for them. Cattle provide food for the family and could even rake in some cash if they were to sell them. When animal owners abuse and mistreat their animals or pets, it makes me feel worse and worse about america and how selffish we are. There are people all over the world that would love to take care of them and have them for a food supply, but that just ruins things for anyone who could've had them.
You Are Probably in the Wrong Place
13 years ago