I figured I would put at least one post on here about the election since that has been the top story news for the past few months. I wasn't really rooting for anyone in the sense that none of them really had
a lot that I was looking for. or in other words, someone had this thing that was a plus and someone
didn't have this thing, and so on. One of the main issues that was irritating for me was the issue of abortion. McCain said that he is
anti-abortion and should only be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest, rape, or when the life of the woman is in danger. Obama, on the other hand, strongly supports a woman's rights to have an abortion, and that decision should be totally decided by the woman. Obama also wants to lower taxes for
companies that support keeping jobs in the United States, but then McCain wants to lower overall corporate taxes from 35% to 25%. Obama also supports the use of medical marijuana and doesn't see the reason that it shouldn't be legalized everywhere in the United States instead of just for medical use, but McCain is against it all together and doesn't think it should be used even for medical purposes. For me, I think that there should be a legal use of marijuana because people do it anyways, and hospitals could even use it for the patients that need it. When discussing the issue about gun control, I feel that people should have the right to bear arms in their household for security purposes only, therefore I am supporting
Obama's side for that issue. McCain thinks that the only people who should have weapons in the United States is the military, the firearms manufacturers, and crime involved with firearms. I also feel as if people can use them for hunting because it is so common in the United States and would be very difficult to ban. Same sex issues is one topic that is somewhat the same between the two candidates. They both think that same sex marriage should be banned but there should be equal rights to a certain point. They also both support amnesty and
permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for guest workers. I agree with both of those statements. The issues that I mentioned are a couple of the few issues that I actually understand. It was hard for me to
believe that Obama got over twice the amount of electoral votes that McCain